Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Jiga, Ethiopia : Government Forces Reportedly Execute 25 Civilians in Following Ambush Loss

 In the latest string of known extrajudicial executions of civilians, the Ethiopian government soldiers reportedly massacred 25 civilians in Jiga, West Gojam, Amhara region of Ethiopia. 

Residents and Fano forces from the area have confirmed the incident to Ethiopian News outlets based in the United States. The Amhara Association of America (AAA) – an organization whose mission is “to advance the political & humanitarian interests of the Amhara people of Ethiopia,” has confirmed the story. 

In a social media update, it said, “AAA has learned that today (June 17, 2024) Abiy regime forces carried out a massacre against unarmed civilians in Jiga town of Jabi-Tehnan Woreda (West Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia). According to sources, regime forces, particularly riot dispersal forces, targeted civilians in a local hotel, dragging young men out from the hotel before shooting them dead near the entrance. At least 11 people were killed but some sources have reported death tolls of 20 and higher.” 

Ethiopian Media Service (EMS) spoke on the phone to a resident from Jiba who happened to be an eyewitness to the latest tragedy unfolding in the region.

On June 16, government forces suffered severe losses to an Ambush attack from Fano forces in the Berkegne locality near Jiga.  The incident prompted a retreat to Jiga town where they dragged dozens of people from Goh hotel in the town, ordered them to kneel down and executed them, according to Ethiopian sources. It happened around 6: 00 p.m. on Sunday. 

Eleven of the victims are said to be bankers including Abyssinia Bank Branch Manager in the town who is identified as Zemen. Six  four of the victims are high school teachers in the town and six others are public servants in different offices. 

Government forces have also reportedly killed a woman who was known in the town as having a mental health problem and a homeless person. 

The Ethiopian government has been denying stories of extrajudicial executions including those verified by human rights organizations in the country and abroad. At this writing, the government did not remark about Jiga executions. 

In January this year, government forces massacred over 80 civilians in Merawi – also in the Gojam area of the Amhara region. The execution was reported to be a vengeance for battle loss in the town. 

Source: https://borkena.com/2024/06/17/jiga-ethiopia-government-forces-reportedly-execute-25-civilians-in-following-ambush-loss/

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