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Sunday, December 18, 2016

ዓለማቀፍ የካቶሊክ ቤ/ክ ጉባኤ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ በኢትዮጵያ ሊካሄድ ነው

ዓለማቀፍ የካቶሊክ ቤ/ክ ጉባኤ  ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ በኢትዮጵያ ሊካሄድ ነው

ከ300 በላይ የዓለም ጳጳሳት ይሳተፉበታል
   ከ300 በላይ የካቶሊክ ጳጳሳትን ጨምሮ የተለያዩ ሀገራት የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪዎችና የምዕመናን ተወካዮች ይሳተፉበታል ተብሎ የሚጠበቀውን 19ኛውን የምስራቅ አፍሪካ ጳጳሳት ጉባኤዎች ህብረት ጉባኤ ኢትዮጵያ እንድታስተናግድ መመረጧ ታውቋል፡፡ 
የኢትዮጵያ ካቶሊክ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ጠቅላይ ፅ/ቤት ለአዲስ አድማስ በላከው መግለጫ ሀገሪቱ ጉባኤውን እንድታዘጋጅ ስትመረጥ የአሁኑ የመጀመሪያዋ ሲሆን ጉባኤው በመጪው ዓመት ሐምሌ 2010 ዓ.ም ይካሄዳል፡፡ 

ኢትዮጵያን ጨምሮ ኤርትራ፣ ኬንያ፣ ኡጋንዳ፣ ታንዛኒያ፣ ሱዳን፣ ደቡብ ሱዳን፣ ማላዊና  ዛምቢያ ሙሉ አባል እንዲሁም ጅቡቲና ሶማሊያ ተባባሪ አባላት የሆኑበት የምስራቅ አፍሪካ የካቶሊክ ጳጳሳት ጉባኤዎች ህብረት፤ በቅርቡ በማላዊ ባካሄደው 18ኛው ጉባኤ ቀጣዩን የህብረቱን ጉባኤ ኢትዮጵያ እንድታዘጋጅ ከመምረጡ በተጨማሪ ብፁዕ ካርዲናል ብርሃነየሱስ ሊቀ ጳጳስ ዘካቶሊካውያን ህብረቱን ለ4 ዓመታት በሊቀመንበርነት እንዲመሩ መርጧቸዋል፡፡ 

በኢትዮጵያ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የሚካሄደው አለማቀፍ ጉባኤ፤ በልዩ ልዩ አለማቀፍ የካቶሊክ መገናኛ ብዙሃን ሰፊ ሽፋን የሚያገኝ ሲሆን የሃገሪቱን ገፅታ ለማስተዋወቅ ጠቃሚ አጋጣሚ ነው ተብሏል። 
‹‹ይህ ጉባኤ በኢትዮጵያ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ሲዘጋጅ ኢትዮጵያ ካቶሊካዊት ቤ/ክርስቲያን ይህን አጋጣሚ በመጠቀም ኢትዮጵያ ያላትን የሰላምና የመከባበር ባህል ለማስተዋወቅ ትሰራለች›› ያለው መግለጫው፤ የጉባኤው ዝግጅትም ከዛሬ ታህሳስ 8 ቀን አንስቶ መደረግ ይጀምራል፡፡ 
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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

ጃኪ ጎሲ እየቀለድክ መሆን አለበት

ጃኪ ጎሲ እየቀለድክ መሆን አለበት
(ተሺቲ ደዋኖ ከአርሲ)
ሰው የፈለገውን የመሆን መብት አለው:: ስር ዓቱን መደገፍም አለመደገፍም ይችላል:: አርቲስትም ቢሆን ከፈለገ ከገዳዮች ጋር ካልፈለገም ከሕዝብ ጋር መቆም ይችላል:: ግን ዘፋኝ ተነስቶ የሕዝብን አቅጣጫ ማስቀየሪያና መጠቀሚያ ሲሆን ግን ያናድዳል:: ስለዚህም የሚከተለውን ለማለት ወደድኩ::
ዛሬ በአንዳንድ የወያኔ ድረገጾች ላይ የጃኪ ጎሲ አዲስ ነጠላ ዜማ ተለቆ አየሁ:: ትናንት በሊቢያ ወገኖቻቸን ሲገደሉ በነጋታው ነጠላ ዜማ የለቀቀው ጃኪ ዛሬ በኦሮሚኛ አንድ ነጠላ ዜማ ለቀቀ ሲሉኝ በጣም ተደስቼ ዘፈኑን ከፍቼ ተመልከትኩት:: ጃኪ በኦሮሚኛ ዘፈን መስራቱ የሚደነቅ ቢሆንም የኦሮሞ ወጣቶች በየቀኑ እያለቁ እርሱ ግን ለምን በኦሮሚኛ የሰለቸንን ስለሴት ልጅ ፍቅር ዘፈን ሊዘፍንልኝ ቻለ? ስል ጥያቄ ውስጤ ጫረ::
ይህን ያልኩት ከጃኪ የተሻለ ሥራ ጠብቄ አይደለም:: ዘፈን ለመስረቅ አስመራ ዘፋኞች ድረስ የሚሄደው ይኸው ድምጻዊ ወደ ኦሮሚኛ ዘፈን ፊቱን ሲያዞር በኦሮሞ ልጆች ግድያ ዙሪያ ይዘፍናል ብዬ ትንሽ አስቤ ነበር:: ተስፋ የጣልኩበትም ምክንያት ባለፈው በሊቢያ ጉዳይ ተንደርድሮ ሰው እንዳይቀድመው ነጠላ ዜማ መስራቱን አይቼ ነው::
ሆኖም ግን በወያኔ ድረገጾች በኩል የተለቀቀው ይኸው የጃኪ አዲስ የኦሮሚኛ ሙዚቃ በሃገሪቱ ውስጥ ያለውን የፖለቲካ ትኩሳት አቅጣጫ ለማስቀየርና አንዳንድ ሃገር ወዳድ የኦሮሚኛ; የጉራጊኛ እና የአማርኛ ሙዚቃ አርቲስቶች በሃገራቸውና በወገኖቻቸው ግድያ ዙሪያ መንግስትን ተው አትግደል ያሉባቸውን ዘፈኖች ለማዳፈን ሆን ተብሎ የተደረገ መሆኑ ይታመናል:: ለዚህም ነው ጃኪ በዚህ ወቅት የፍቅር ዘፈን በኦሮሚኛ መልቀቁን አይቼ እየቀለድክ መሆን አለበት ያልኩት::
ጃኪ የሊቢያ ወገኖቻችን መሞት እውነት አሳዝኖህ እንዳልዘፈንክ ዛሬ በኦሮሚኛ ዘፈንህ ላይ አሳይተኸናል:: ያኔ ያንን ነጠላ ዜማ የለቀቅከው በወገኖቻችን ሞት አንተ ዝናን ለማግኘት እንደተጠቀምክበት ነው የምቆጥረው:: ለወገንህ የምታዝን ቢሆን ኖሮ በአማራ ክልል ይህ ሁሉ ወጣት ሲሞት; በኦሮሚያ ግድያው በተጠናከረበት ወቅት እንዲህ ያለውን ልፍስፍስ ዘፈን ለቀህ የወያኔ መጠቀሚያ አትሆንም ነበር:: Read more here

Chinese firms complete Ethiopia-Djibouti railroad project

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
September 25, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) – Ethiopian officials on Saturday said a multi-billion dollar railroad project linking the nation to the port of Djibouti has been completed.

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The project manager, Mokenen Getachew said the 656km Addis Ababa–Djibouti electric railway trans-boundary project will be inaugurated next month.

The mega project, built by China Railway Engineering Corporation (CREC) and China Civil Engineering Construction (CCECC), has reportedly cost $ 3.4 billion.
According to Mokenen, 70% of the total cost was financed by the Exim Bank of China, the China Development Bank, and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China while 30% was covered by the Ethiopian government.

The line is double-track from Addis Ababa to Adama city (115 km) and single-track from Adama to Djibouti.
The electrified railway line which provides both freight and passenger transportation services will allow landlocked Ethiopia to easily access to world markets and further boost the country’s trade volume hence it reduces travel time by over 50%.

According to the official, the railroad further saves foreign currency that would have been spent on diesel fuel and reduce air pollution.

He added that 1,171 wagons with a capacity to transport 3,500 tons at once and 41 locomotives will be in full service when the Ethiopia-Djibouti railway line enters into full operation following 3-6 months trial rides.
The freight trains can ride at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour while passenger trains which can carry over 1100 people at once can hit at 120 km/hr.

It will take only around 10-12 hours for the electrified trains to reach Addis Ababa from Djibouti.
It used to take 3-7 days for the former Diesel locomotives to cover the same route.
The modern and fully electrified trains, which were all imported from china have different facilities, among others beds, kitchen, restaurants, VIP rooms and toilets.

The project manager said the new Ethiopia’s cross-border railroad project is part of the East to West African railway network.

“It is part of the trans-Africa railway network and it will open opportunity of linking Ethiopia with neighboring countries” Mokenen told Sudan Tribune during a government-organized a day-long media tour to the Ethiopia-Djibouti railway project.

As well as Djibouti, Mokenen said Ethiopia will eventually be connected by railway with, Kenya, Sudan and South Sudan.
Ethiopia is investing billions of dollars on constructing transport infrastructures to improve transport access and to boost the socio-economic development of the country.

During the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-2), launched last year, the east African nation has plans to construct a total 5,000 kilometers-long railway lines which would enable the country link with its neighbors.
The country has so far constructed some 2400 kilometers of rail roads and will construct 2600 kilometers during the remaining GTP-2 period.

Since landlocked Ethiopia cut ties with Eritrea following the 1998-2000 border war, Addis Ababa has become highly dependent on Djibouti sea port to carryout around 90% its total import-export trades.

When Ethiopia-Djibouti railroad goes to full function, it will avoid delays in the transport of goods by over 50%.
The completion of the new railway track comes only months after the Ethiopian capital inaugurated sub-Saharan Africa’s first light rail system which has eased transportation problems of continent’s second most populace nation.
Ethiopia, one of the world’s fastest growing economies, attaches construction of road and railway projects as a major component of the GTP-2 as part of its vision to join middle income countries by 2025.

Ethiopia says cross-border road and railway lines will allow it to boom its economy hence it connects it with to the regional and global trade routes.

Transport Minister Workneh Gebeyehu recently stressed that the development of a country shouldn’t be confined by the borders of that country.
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