Friday, September 25, 2020

Fifteen civilians were reportedly killed by gunmen


Fifteen civilians were reportedly killed by gunmen

Fifteen civilians were reportedly killed in an attack by gunmen on a police station in Dangur Woreda, Negez Kebele as  Amhara Media Center reported

Fifteen civilians were reportedly killed by gunmen
Fifteen civilians were reportedly killed by gunmen

15 innocent people were killed by gunmen and their accomplices at around 10 pm on September 24, 2020.

Demlele Tsidign, a resident of Gumz and Bengez Kebele in Dengur Woreda, said his brother, Buldi Tsidign, was also killed.

Demlew did not want to reveal the identity of the attacker, other than to say that the attack took place at night and that the militants were coming from the bush and collaborating with the community.

The attack in Metekel Zone, Guba and Bulen woredas was carried out by Behinen, Guhden and OLF Shene militants with the help of the TPLF.

He said the bodies of the slain innocent were taken to the woreda by the Defense Forces, adding that the kebele structure and security forces could not save their lives due to the darkness.

However, the Defense Forces arrived in the area on the morning of September 25, 2020 and said they were operating in the area.

Another resident of the kebele put the death toll at 21, with 14 Amharas, 1 Gumuz killed by gunmen last night, and six Gumuz natives killed in a shootout with the Defense Forces.

Attempts to contact Benishangul-Gumz Regional State President Ashadle Hassan and Dangur Woreda Chief Administrator Dessie, Dangur Woreda Deputy Administrator Lijalem Hailu were unsuccessful due to Ashalele’s failure to pick up the phone, Dessie’s claim that he was in a meeting and his son’s phone call.

Desalegn, Chairperson of the Metekel Amhara Identification Committee, expressed his sorrow and said that the information has been received and we will continue to verify the information.

Breaking news: Residents say more than 80 people have been killed in an attack in Metekle Zone, Bulen Woreda.

On the other hand, Amhara Regional State Security Adviser, Kefale Esubalew, said he immediately received information about the killings and threats against innocent people in Dangur Negez Kebele. He said he is still working with the Benishangul-Gumuz regional government to bring to justice those responsible for the September 10, 2020 attacks on Wombera and Bulen and on the night of September 24-25.

He said the federal government, the Amhara and Benishangul-Gumuz regional governments, said it was difficult to say whether they had acted in the face of identity-based attacks and threats.

We will be presenting the extensive meeting with Amhara Regional State Security Adviser, Ato Kefale Esubalew at AMC YouTube.

National movement of Amhara fighting not to be called fighter

Rehabilitating the victims and arresting the crime are the next major tasks

Belete Molla Getahun – Chair person of National movement of Amhara!

The militants has launched a genocidal campaign against the Amhara people in the Negez area, close to the Great Nile Dam, under the nose of the state and the government.

Despite repeated attempts by government officials to address the issue, innocent lives continue to be disrupted. All of this is happening every day behind the beautiful word “prosperity.” According to our sources, the culprits are the “Akurafi” militants, but how could the government fail to eradicate the “Akurafi militants” when the genocide is a daily occurrence around a huge national development peace and security project like the Nile Dam? Apart from delivering rations, what is the strategy of the Amhara regional government to solve the problem in a sustainable way? Citizens have a natural right to self-defense, and it is the political and security responsibility of the Amhara regional government to obtain a legal weapons license from the Begu government.

Three years ago, when the Oromo people were attacked in the Kamash zone, the Oromo Special Forces came to work in Bagu Kamash. How many thousands of Amharas must end up to do this ??

Getachew Shiferaw – Activists and Journalist!

According to the Amhara Media Agency, more than 20 innocent people were killed today. Metekel is a widespread area. Even the OLF was supported by the Oromo ruling party. Oromifa language was introduced, forcing local authorities to do so. On the other hand, one of the forces trained by the Northern separatists in Sudan is part of the Benishangul-Gumuz “Federalist Forces.”

Despite all this, the weakness is the Amhara regional government. The other could not keep up with the expansion. Two years ago, when Oromos living in Benishangul Gumuz were attacked, the regional government deployed special forces. In addition to defending the Oromos, he has carried out a number of expansionist activities.

The Benishangul-Gumuz regional leadership, which has been embroiled in controversy with the current and former rulers, has not been able to secure the right to life and security of its citizens. The solution lies in protecting citizens. When their right to organize is respected. It is when their inheritance is resolved. This can be done by the owner first. Implantation is best done, especially at home and abroad.

Amhara Youth Association in Gondar!!

One of the purposes of the Amhara Youth Association is to be a voice for the Amhara people in the face of racial political violence. In this regard, the Amhara Youth Association condemns the ongoing genocide against the Amhara people in Metekel zone.

The federal, Amhara, and Benishangul-Gumuz governments should realize that their primary role is to protect the public, and that they should continue to monitor the ongoing racial and religious segregation campaign against the Amhara people in Danguer Woreda.

We also urge the Amhara Regional State Government to take action to protect the peace and stability of the region, in addition to providing legal protection to a large number of Amharas in the area.

In addition, we call on the civic institutions and political parties organized in the name of the Amhara people to strengthen their unity as never before and to focus on the sustainable development of Amharas in different areas.
We also call on the government to address the damage caused by the overflowing of Lake Tana in the Fogera and Denbia areas of Gondar and rehabilitate the victims.

Meskerem Abera – Activist and University lecturer!

Twenty people are said to have been killed under the imposition of a state of emergency in the Metekel zone.

An emergency was declared and the government’s response to the killings was a common mockery of “the attack could not be prevented because it took place at night.”

First of all, the people who have the government have the right to be protected day and night. Day in and day out! Next, an area under the state of emergency will be placed under the strictest protection. A state of emergency was declared in the middle of the night to ensure that the same attack did not happen again at night while the previous attack took place at night ???

“Wow! “Defend the defense with malice.”

Ethiopian Human Rights Commission Press Release!

More loss of life in Benishangul Gumuz region l

“We need to ensure the safety of our citizens and bring the perpetrators to justice!”
(Asosa, September 25, 2020) The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has expressed grave concern over the loss of at least 15 people in a renewed attack in Benishangul-Gumuz State.

The commission confirmed that 15 people were killed in a shooting at a village near Negze River in Manbuk town, Tekel Zone, Dangur Woreda, around 11:00 am today.

Data collected by 8 p.m. According to local government sources, 15 unarmed civilians were killed and 11 men and 4 women were among the dead. The age of the dead has not yet been determined, and similar sources told the commission that one person had sustained a life-threatening injury. The Defense Forces are still searching for the injured and there are fears that the number of injured may increase.

So far, reports indicate that the attack was carried out by illegal militants, and the commission has received information that the militants took control of the area at around 7 a.m. after an exchange of gunfire with the Defense Forces.

“In Benishangul-Gumuz, there is an urgent need to ensure security, the rule of law and the perpetrators of atrocities against civilians,” said Daniel Bekele, commissioner of ISMCO.

The Federal Government has taken over the security of the four woredas of Tekel Zone from September 24, 2020 in accordance with the decision to place them under the command post until November 2020. The Wombera, Bulen and Guba woredas, including Dangur woreda, were attacked yesterday morning.

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