Friday, February 26, 2016

Vanilla researches in Ethiopia

 “The Ethiopian Herald” newspaper reports that Ethiopia currently conducts research on vanilla cultivation for local growers.
The Tepi National Spices Research Center in Ethiopia has been engaged in adopting and developing spices technologies, conducting researches, multiplying and distributing improved species and lowland coffee technologies to similar agro-ecological zones of the country. Besides, it organizes training and consultancy services in the sector. The Center has released Yeki One variety of vanilla.
In an interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Center Director and Spice Researcher Haimanot Mitiku said: “Vanilla is one of the most expensive spices in the world. Its global vaniline content standard is two percent. But ours is over 2. 25 percent. As it meets the international standard, you can produce widely and generate more hard currency. Currently, it has been widely multiplied at Bebeka Coffee farm."
Haimanot further said “We can get about 200 kilograms of dry vanilla from one hectare of land. But, it takes three years for reaping. But once it starts providing yield …….. it continues to yield for 15 consecutive years."
The Yeki One variety has already been adapted to the Ethiopian lowland agro-ecology meeting the international quality standard. Currently, besides, Yeki One, Ethiopia conducts researches on other two vanilla species.
“We are working aggressively to access the spice to the farmers. We have started scaling up on selected Sheka and Bench Maji farmers fields. We hope that in the next few years the farmers will supply their product to the market.”
Haimanot further said that vanilla was imported from Indonesia almost two decades back. However, due to weak pre-harvest management, agronomy, lack of trained manpower in the field has remained unregistered as spices in Ethiopia. However, the plant's pre- and post harvest management challenges have been solved with the concerted efforts of researchers.
Source: The Ethiopian Herald  

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