Monday, August 24, 2020

Calling Genocide against Amhara and other ethnic groups must stop

Stop financing the genocide of Amhar people
To: whom it may concern
Following the killing of the Oromo National singer and activist “Hachalu Hundessa”, the members of racist Oromo ethnic group: Oromo nationalists (Al Qerroo), Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) were calling Genocide against Amhara and other ethnic groups. It is the part of their predominant project of homogenizing the Oromia Region by wiping out none-Oromos, with a special focus of the Amhara people. Their intention is clear and systematic (planned and supported by the leading government forces and machinery) for cleansing Amharas from Oromia Region, and entirely destroying the Amhara people from the country, Ethiopia. The massacre, murder and slaughter committed by the racist Oromo group should boldly be termed as ‘Amhara people Genocide’. The Genocide is the continuation and execution of TPLF and OLF’s short term and long term plan to entirely destroy Amhara people who are living outside the so-called Amhara Region. In the past month Eye witnesses ascertained that the Oromo Youths in the Oromia region carrying bludgeon, metal rods, saw and their traditional weapon called mencha have killed innocent people from Amhara and other ethnic groups in unedifying atrocity. according to multiple witnesses, Properties and businesses belonging to Amhara and gurage people were vandalized, burned and looted by the organized mobs in Arsi Negele, Robe, Adaba, Asasa, Ziway, and other towns of the region. To indicate some evidences Al qerroo (Ethiopian version of Al Shabab) killed/massacred more than 240 indigent and innocent Amhara people according to Oromia deputy police Commissioner Girma Gelam and VOA report. Several residential buildings, properties and business centers belonging to Amhara and Gurage people were totally set on fires and changed in to useless ashes.
Results and effects are swift, Amhara’s are frequently hunted down and slaughtered in every corner of the ethnically crafted regions of Ethiopia and life is upsetting for every Amhara who lived in these ethnic derived regions. Considering the aforementioned points in to mind we Amhara Students association in Taiwan are proclaiming the following statements.
1. We strongly condemn ethnic based genocide on Amhara people in Oromia
2. We demand justice for the Amhara people who frequently attacked, displaced and disappeared by racist and sinister oromo fascism
3. We repeatedly urge the so-called government to resettle and to give guarantee for the survivors of Amhara and other non-Oromo ethnic people.
4. We insistently condemn the Oromia regional government force intervention to doubly jeopardizing helpless Amhara people by siding to racist Qerro group.
5. We strongly fulminate against the disregard of the government for prominently murdered and victim people up to now.
6. We strongly asked the dictatorial government to release the voice of Amhara or free Asrat journalists(Belay Manaye, Mulugeta Anberibire, Misganaw Kefelegn and Yonatan Mulugeta )
7. We strongly condemn the invasive government (ODP) from apparent spoliation of lands and oromized demographic alteration of Addis Ababa city which belongs to all Ethiopians.
8. ‘Amharic Language’ is the most antique and prestige’s language spoken every corner of Ethiopia, it is the only language having an independent, full and pristine alphabetical order in Africa. However the extremist Government (ODP) prominently declared an intent to get ride off the language irresponsibly in Ethiopia. Taking this in to account the association hardly apprised the extremist government to be refrained from this evil doing.
9. Ethiopia always tried to be saved with the burning furnace of Amharas, we demand justice, equality and peace.
Some evidences of fuel for tragic developments of OMN (Oromia Media Network) and Oromo nationalist in which people are triggered for ethnic violence in the country.
➢ June 29, 2020 OMN LIVE from MN: quotes from a lady named Bonsa:
✓ "We have to lock their houses & burn them."
✓ "If they block roads to Addis, Menzes in Negele Arsi have no place to go; they have to be finished."
✓ "Block the roads & not 1, 2 but in 100s, Habeshas/Amhara people must die." (Link: ht tps ://w w w .facebook. com/O rom iaM ed…/vid eos /1042774889450743/ )
➢ July 2, 2020 OMN taking a caller from #DireDawa : quotes from the caller:
✓ "Non-Oromos if they have different ideas from Oromos, we have to take measures against them."
➢ July 2, 2020 OMN taking a caller from #DireDawa : quote from the caller:
✓ "Non-Oromos if they have different ideas from Oromos, we have to take measures against them."
➢ July 1, 2020 OMN LIVE from MN: quote from a speaker in a town hall meeting:
✓ "Amharas need to be exterminated in our neibourhood." (Link: ht tps ://w w w m/w at ch… )

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Why did the messenger of the band? Taye Dendea

Why did the messenger of the band?
Oromo bands, Woyane's horse in 12/12/12-it will be remembered to be called '' land '' in 12/12/12 The fincile has failed for the fifth time! They think they failed yesterday. But the truth is not that. The fincilli doesn't want freedom and wish of slavery. When they take the Lord of woyane, the issue is finished. The people of roorro and gadado are burning woyane. The people don't forget the wound of woyane! I don't want to go back to that two. I want to protect the freedom of his children's struggle. Bandaan doesn't even have the interest of this people. Woyane is dead, he thought he was going back. He only listen to his Lord's dream. If that ekraan said ′′ tomorrow will not be sunrise ′′ I will say together. The issue when they leave the people and drink water under woyane. The power that fell for himself, there is no success under the late referee!
The horses of woyane have understood their fall. This is why they are suffering from media. They are crying for social media and all. The cry of them like two. One of their behavior. When you get a dead person, posting a dog will live in tears. That's working to be able to do it. Lie crying the feeling of health people will be cut off from money. Two of them have made their plan to them. As the Lord told them, it would have been called the end of Africa. They are still in four kilo, singing with woyane. When the plan and dream come true. Now they don't want to see the problem with themselves. They return their problem to the nation! Sharing two oromo has entered to bless the other curse. For their failure, especially the people of Ambo. They are sharing oromo by sharing the angel of woyane.
No one can hear the agenda of banda. It will not be healing by sharing oromo! Oromo is the same. I don't have between and the beach. All Oromo didn't hear the agenda of banda. Because it's light. The agenda of woyane is woyane! Woyane has sent a horse to oromia. This is why tomorrow, gujiin, bale, arsi, harargeen, jimmi, wollega, iluu and shawaan. The one who tried to disturb in a few districts, the one who went under getacho asaffa yesterday has been fighting for freedom, these are only those who remember freedom of struggle. They are the people and the power of law of peace. It is not allowed to destroy the soul of health and wealth of the country. If you don't have ears, we would have told them that there is no joke on the rule of law. It's good to remind again! Eating in Amba country, teaching their children in Harvard, take whatever they want, it won't be hidden from the poor children! We don't want to be Somalia or Libya! Forever! Oromo people, Ethiopia and the people of Africa and the people of Africa will protect the price of peace and victory! The must of the government is also known! Respect the rule of law!
I don't even know what is ugly! They are going to create a gun between Muslims and Christian! This is the angel of his Lord! Before this, it will be remembered to pass by the name of Arafa holiday. But the issue is lying. Banda won't be ashamed of any holiday. That day they were fighting each other on sharing cattle. If you don't bring the past, you will be called another nose. It's not to tell that. This is why they made a holiday. Lie pretend. If you had respect for the people's holiday, ukee and filchatas would have been shameful. There is a lot of religion to share the people. But it won't be! All our people have woyane's plan. The world knows the world who is suffering for his religion. The people who change the people of the world are in prison. Christianity is not from woyane. Qeesoti Waaldibbaa is a witness! Small-big, men-women and wise-ignorant know the habit of woyane. So my person doesn't enter woyane. The one who was suffering from woyane is only a band! The problem of everyone's band is to think of himself!
Oromo people have been struggling with his brothers and sisters. Now he is playing in building democracy and prosperity in building democracy and prosperity. Agenda and kiyyoo horses are from woyane!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

‪I call on the government not to use excessive force against protesters (Obang Metho)

 I am deeply saddened by the loss of lives in Sodo and Boditi towns in the Wolaita zone. Grief and hardship from these losses are affecting families, communities and Ethiopians throughout the country. ‬

‪According to Reuters sources - At least 10 people reportedly killed and 18 others injured in clashes between protesters and security forces in Ethiopia’s southern region on Monday. Social media sources put the number to 20 people.

‪I call on the government not to use excessive force against protesters.‬

‪According to Reuters “The protests were sparked by Sunday's arrest of local officials and activists seeking a new autonomous region for their Wolaita ethnic group, said Matheos Balcha, spokesman of the opposition party Wolaita National Movement Party. Click at the link for more ‬

‪I would like to say that the whole families of Ethiopians are mourning the loss of these people. To those who lost your close family members, we are with you and also grieving for the loss of your loved one. We are praying for you and those who are injured for a speedy recovery.‬

‪Now is the time to reflect on the death of these people and to pray that God uses their death to wake up a country to stand together to create a home where people will live anywhere in Ethiopia in harmony and with respect towards each other. ‬

‪Those left behind must take responsibility to bring reconciliation among our people and to help heal the wounds dividing us. To do so,we must reject the regime’s primary means of survival—seducing us to endlessly remain embittered and isolated from each other based on ethnicity, religion or other identity factors.

‪We must understand,we have to agree to do so for them to win,while putting humanity before ethnicity or any other differences,is the way to a better Ethiopia.Becoming complicit with them in something that is wrong,will bring destruction on all of us and this is what we are now facing‬.

‪May God remind us to see others Ethiopian from different ethnic and religious groups as we see ourselves and may stand up for righteousness as the best path to a New Ethiopia.‬

‪Click at the link below to read the article ‬‬

We just released our report in Amharic or testimony of numerous victims

 We just released our report in Amharic or testimony of numerous victims, survivors and eye-witnesses of Ziway and Shashamane’s attacks that was based on identity factors of ethnicity and religion.

Obang Metho

The English version of the report is to be released very soon.‬ Until then please read my short observation.

We are deeply saddened by the violence, killing and destruction taking place in Ziway, Shashamane and other parts of the Oromia region of our country in the last month, most of which consisted of targeted attacks based on ethnicity, religion and/or economic status.

Recently, a team from the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia (SMNE) visited the area so as to gain a better understanding of what happened.

After seeing the destruction first hand and personally interviewing numerous victims, survivors and eye-witnesses, we observed and heard strong testimony that the targeting of these attacks was based on identity factors of ethnicity and religion.

Victims often also included diverse community members of higher economic status. There was even a prepared list of those to be targeted. It included residents, businesses and even vehicles. The list was based on the above-mentioned identity factors, all of which fits the definition of ethnic cleansing or genocide.

The definition of genocide is the intent to kill people, in part or whole, based on identity factors. The attacks and violence were not random. Neither was it interethnic fighting as some have said; instead, according to our findings, most all of the people killed were attacked in their own homes after the attackers broke down gates and doors to their homes.

Large neighborhoods would be left untouched while one home and one family would be targeted. In almost every case, these individuals would be of a different background, usually Amhara by ethnicity and Orthodox Christian by faith.

The same targeting related to the choice of businesses, churches and even the owners of vehicles that were destroyed by large groups of youth who shouted out in Afaan Oromo, “These people should go back to where they came from,” even though most of the victims had been born and raised there.

It should be noted that many of the victims had positive relationships with others in their neighborhoods and communities. In fact, many local neighbors, friends and people of more moderate thinking and courage tried to help in many ways, but were also intimidated and targeted in some places.

It should be understood that many ethnic Oromo living in the region certainly object to this violence, but fear repercussions should they speak out. In fact, the extremist-nationalists have become competitors with the present administration. Responsibility for the recent killing and rising violence has been attributed to the Qeerroo youth.

Sadly, this horrible tragedy is not new to our country, but have been carried out many times before.

For example, in September 2018, more than 100 people from the Gamo ethnic group living in Burayu District, in the special Oromia zone near Addis Ababa were targeted, killed and their property destroyed. The same threat was used, saying that: “…they, [their victims] should go back to where they came from.”

Last October, in Bale, 86 people were killed based on ethnicity (Amhara) and religion, which was Christian. There are many more incidents that have taken place in the country over the last years, too many to mention.

More investigation and documentation by international independent organization is needed on this atrocity; however, people are alarmed with the lack of strong intervention by the federal and regional governments

Our conclusion is that a great part of this resulted from the elevation of ethnic identity, a tool of the ethnic federalist system that was put into place by the TPLF and other ethno-nationalists in the early years of their rule.

It was carried out through divide and conquer techniques on the people to ensure they did not unite against the TPLF; however, this system is “poison” and has far-reaching effects.

What they, the TPLF and ethno-nationalists, planted 38 years ago when they came into power is now being harvested and has led to destruction and killing. It must be resisted; yet, without strong and effective confrontation and change, it will could easily lead to far greater losses in the future.

The SMNE is an organization working for the betterment of all the people of Ethiopia. Our work is guided by principles of: “putting humanity before ethnicity or other differences,” and for the freedom of all because: “no one will be sustainably free until all of us are free.” This means an Ethiopia where all our people are seen as equal under the law. This identity-based violence is a strong violation of these principles.

May God bless protect all our precious people of Ethiopia and the land He has given to all of us!

Victms In Genocide Attack 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

I'm proud to be an Ethiopian - Obang Metho

I love my fellow Ethiopians and my Ethiopia unconditional and now I want diverse Ethiopians to love and value each other and the humanity of others. This is the purpose of speaking frankly always about life in Ethiopia from the perspective of minorities or those who have been left out for years.
For me, my upbringing and my personal faith in God, who created me the way he wanted me, who gave his life for me, who loves me despite my flaws, who heals all my wounds and who can turn what is meant to destroy me into what can liberate me, has defeated all the arguments of those who devalue me based on superficial reasons that are grounded on lies.
The same is true about my Ethiopian-ness and African-ness. I'm extremely proud to be an Ethiopian, African and black man.
I am proud to call myself a proud Ethiopian. Even with the ethnic federalism and ethnic based politics on all sides, I am have to say yes. I'm an unabashed patriot.
I'm proud to be Ethiopian, where at least I know I' have a country. I won't forget the proud Ethiopian men and women who died, who gave that right to me.
I would not be part of this struggle for justice, freedom, unity, reconciliation, peace, equality, democracy, inclusive and responsible development and prosperity except for the December 13, 2003 massacre of 424 Anuak, followed by many more, perpetrated by Ethiopian troops who have still not been held accountable.
What attitudes towards this minority ethnic group caused other Ethiopians, especially those from the dominant ethnic groups, to ignore this horrific event as if it never happened or at least, was not important?
I had the option to become angry and bitter, but instead chose to reach out to others, believing that otherwise, this cycle of violence towards each other would never stop.
What I have discovered is that despite the elitist attitudes, ethnocentric views and narrow-mindedness of some Ethiopian, I have met countless Ethiopians throughout the world from different ethnicities or tribes, regions, religions and backgrounds who are truly loving and wonderful human beings. These are people who are not infected with this tribal and victimhood mentality that is tearing Ethiopia apart like wild animals attacking their prey.
The idea of Ethiopia thrills me, as does its potential. Yes, Ethiopia is not perfect, but neither am I, none of us are. I still believe Ethiopia is one of the most beautiful country and with amazing people in the world.

I know that Ethiopian' pride in Ethiopia has hit its lowest historical point because of ethnic federalism or tribalism, ethnic extremism, ethnic favoritism, ethnic nepotism and ethnic domination. But still I am proud to be an Ethiopian.

Yes, I know that our system of government is not perfect, but I firmly believe that it could be one of the best government in the world if we put our humanity before our ethnicity and work together for the betterment of our citizens and country.
No one within the geographical boundaries of Ethiopia is more Ethiopian than another. It is based on fact. In other words, I should not need to ask anyone else for the key to open the door to my own “home”—Ethiopia! It is already mine.
This allows me to wipe off this contaminated thinking of tribalism, racism, victimhood like undesirable dust on my clothes or skin.

Let me help you, to wipe the dust off your back and than you can pass it on and do the same to the next person until we are all clean of this destructive thinking of tribalism, ethnic and religious extremism.
It is only through a genuine transformation of the present—replacing the past thinkings, attitudes and actions with new experiences of respect and appreciation of each other—that the power of the memories of pain, hostility and alienation will fade away enough so we are able to move on. They will not fade though if they are not dealt with. A nation that does not teach its truthful history will not go anywhere.

I hope that more and more Ethiopians—including ethno-nationalist leaders, their supporters and others who think like them—will begin to notice the dust of ethnic division and ethnic hatred accumulating on their own clothes and skin so that as a nation we can once and for all embrace our Ethiopian-ness and African-ness and the full image of God reflected in every human being in this world.

Let us be grateful for our full, rich, unique and beautiful humanity first that comes down as a precious gift from our Almighty God.
Long Live Ethiopia!
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