Sunday, August 9, 2020

I'm proud to be an Ethiopian - Obang Metho

I love my fellow Ethiopians and my Ethiopia unconditional and now I want diverse Ethiopians to love and value each other and the humanity of others. This is the purpose of speaking frankly always about life in Ethiopia from the perspective of minorities or those who have been left out for years.
For me, my upbringing and my personal faith in God, who created me the way he wanted me, who gave his life for me, who loves me despite my flaws, who heals all my wounds and who can turn what is meant to destroy me into what can liberate me, has defeated all the arguments of those who devalue me based on superficial reasons that are grounded on lies.
The same is true about my Ethiopian-ness and African-ness. I'm extremely proud to be an Ethiopian, African and black man.
I am proud to call myself a proud Ethiopian. Even with the ethnic federalism and ethnic based politics on all sides, I am have to say yes. I'm an unabashed patriot.
I'm proud to be Ethiopian, where at least I know I' have a country. I won't forget the proud Ethiopian men and women who died, who gave that right to me.
I would not be part of this struggle for justice, freedom, unity, reconciliation, peace, equality, democracy, inclusive and responsible development and prosperity except for the December 13, 2003 massacre of 424 Anuak, followed by many more, perpetrated by Ethiopian troops who have still not been held accountable.
What attitudes towards this minority ethnic group caused other Ethiopians, especially those from the dominant ethnic groups, to ignore this horrific event as if it never happened or at least, was not important?
I had the option to become angry and bitter, but instead chose to reach out to others, believing that otherwise, this cycle of violence towards each other would never stop.
What I have discovered is that despite the elitist attitudes, ethnocentric views and narrow-mindedness of some Ethiopian, I have met countless Ethiopians throughout the world from different ethnicities or tribes, regions, religions and backgrounds who are truly loving and wonderful human beings. These are people who are not infected with this tribal and victimhood mentality that is tearing Ethiopia apart like wild animals attacking their prey.
The idea of Ethiopia thrills me, as does its potential. Yes, Ethiopia is not perfect, but neither am I, none of us are. I still believe Ethiopia is one of the most beautiful country and with amazing people in the world.

I know that Ethiopian' pride in Ethiopia has hit its lowest historical point because of ethnic federalism or tribalism, ethnic extremism, ethnic favoritism, ethnic nepotism and ethnic domination. But still I am proud to be an Ethiopian.

Yes, I know that our system of government is not perfect, but I firmly believe that it could be one of the best government in the world if we put our humanity before our ethnicity and work together for the betterment of our citizens and country.
No one within the geographical boundaries of Ethiopia is more Ethiopian than another. It is based on fact. In other words, I should not need to ask anyone else for the key to open the door to my own “home”—Ethiopia! It is already mine.
This allows me to wipe off this contaminated thinking of tribalism, racism, victimhood like undesirable dust on my clothes or skin.

Let me help you, to wipe the dust off your back and than you can pass it on and do the same to the next person until we are all clean of this destructive thinking of tribalism, ethnic and religious extremism.
It is only through a genuine transformation of the present—replacing the past thinkings, attitudes and actions with new experiences of respect and appreciation of each other—that the power of the memories of pain, hostility and alienation will fade away enough so we are able to move on. They will not fade though if they are not dealt with. A nation that does not teach its truthful history will not go anywhere.

I hope that more and more Ethiopians—including ethno-nationalist leaders, their supporters and others who think like them—will begin to notice the dust of ethnic division and ethnic hatred accumulating on their own clothes and skin so that as a nation we can once and for all embrace our Ethiopian-ness and African-ness and the full image of God reflected in every human being in this world.

Let us be grateful for our full, rich, unique and beautiful humanity first that comes down as a precious gift from our Almighty God.
Long Live Ethiopia!

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