Monday, August 24, 2020

Calling Genocide against Amhara and other ethnic groups must stop

Stop financing the genocide of Amhar people
To: whom it may concern
Following the killing of the Oromo National singer and activist “Hachalu Hundessa”, the members of racist Oromo ethnic group: Oromo nationalists (Al Qerroo), Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) were calling Genocide against Amhara and other ethnic groups. It is the part of their predominant project of homogenizing the Oromia Region by wiping out none-Oromos, with a special focus of the Amhara people. Their intention is clear and systematic (planned and supported by the leading government forces and machinery) for cleansing Amharas from Oromia Region, and entirely destroying the Amhara people from the country, Ethiopia. The massacre, murder and slaughter committed by the racist Oromo group should boldly be termed as ‘Amhara people Genocide’. The Genocide is the continuation and execution of TPLF and OLF’s short term and long term plan to entirely destroy Amhara people who are living outside the so-called Amhara Region. In the past month Eye witnesses ascertained that the Oromo Youths in the Oromia region carrying bludgeon, metal rods, saw and their traditional weapon called mencha have killed innocent people from Amhara and other ethnic groups in unedifying atrocity. according to multiple witnesses, Properties and businesses belonging to Amhara and gurage people were vandalized, burned and looted by the organized mobs in Arsi Negele, Robe, Adaba, Asasa, Ziway, and other towns of the region. To indicate some evidences Al qerroo (Ethiopian version of Al Shabab) killed/massacred more than 240 indigent and innocent Amhara people according to Oromia deputy police Commissioner Girma Gelam and VOA report. Several residential buildings, properties and business centers belonging to Amhara and Gurage people were totally set on fires and changed in to useless ashes.
Results and effects are swift, Amhara’s are frequently hunted down and slaughtered in every corner of the ethnically crafted regions of Ethiopia and life is upsetting for every Amhara who lived in these ethnic derived regions. Considering the aforementioned points in to mind we Amhara Students association in Taiwan are proclaiming the following statements.
1. We strongly condemn ethnic based genocide on Amhara people in Oromia
2. We demand justice for the Amhara people who frequently attacked, displaced and disappeared by racist and sinister oromo fascism
3. We repeatedly urge the so-called government to resettle and to give guarantee for the survivors of Amhara and other non-Oromo ethnic people.
4. We insistently condemn the Oromia regional government force intervention to doubly jeopardizing helpless Amhara people by siding to racist Qerro group.
5. We strongly fulminate against the disregard of the government for prominently murdered and victim people up to now.
6. We strongly asked the dictatorial government to release the voice of Amhara or free Asrat journalists(Belay Manaye, Mulugeta Anberibire, Misganaw Kefelegn and Yonatan Mulugeta )
7. We strongly condemn the invasive government (ODP) from apparent spoliation of lands and oromized demographic alteration of Addis Ababa city which belongs to all Ethiopians.
8. ‘Amharic Language’ is the most antique and prestige’s language spoken every corner of Ethiopia, it is the only language having an independent, full and pristine alphabetical order in Africa. However the extremist Government (ODP) prominently declared an intent to get ride off the language irresponsibly in Ethiopia. Taking this in to account the association hardly apprised the extremist government to be refrained from this evil doing.
9. Ethiopia always tried to be saved with the burning furnace of Amharas, we demand justice, equality and peace.
Some evidences of fuel for tragic developments of OMN (Oromia Media Network) and Oromo nationalist in which people are triggered for ethnic violence in the country.
➢ June 29, 2020 OMN LIVE from MN: quotes from a lady named Bonsa:
✓ "We have to lock their houses & burn them."
✓ "If they block roads to Addis, Menzes in Negele Arsi have no place to go; they have to be finished."
✓ "Block the roads & not 1, 2 but in 100s, Habeshas/Amhara people must die." (Link: ht tps ://w w w .facebook. com/O rom iaM ed…/vid eos /1042774889450743/ )
➢ July 2, 2020 OMN taking a caller from #DireDawa : quotes from the caller:
✓ "Non-Oromos if they have different ideas from Oromos, we have to take measures against them."
➢ July 2, 2020 OMN taking a caller from #DireDawa : quote from the caller:
✓ "Non-Oromos if they have different ideas from Oromos, we have to take measures against them."
➢ July 1, 2020 OMN LIVE from MN: quote from a speaker in a town hall meeting:
✓ "Amharas need to be exterminated in our neibourhood." (Link: ht tps ://w w w m/w at ch… )

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