Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Statement from the Amhara State on Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch report

Statement from the Amhara National Regional State on Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch report.

Statement from the Amhara National Regional State on their joint report

Amhara National Regional State

Amhara National Regional State at any time; It opposes all forms of human rights abuses committed against people of all races, nationalities, races and ethnicities in any part of the world.

Human rights violations against humanity under any circumstances; It condemns both genocide and war crimes. Appreciates investigations to prevent and prosecute such offenses; It encourages.

The regional government's commitment to human rights stems not only from our zeal for the implementation of the international community's human rights law, but also from its cultural, moral, values, and theological values ​​that shaped the social fabric of the Amhara people based on its ancient civilizations. This is one of the main reasons why we are constantly striving to ensure that all the legal frameworks and provisions that have been ratified and adopted by our country for the protection of human rights are implemented in the region and beyond.

However, some international organizations claiming to be "advocating for human rights", based on the crisis that followed the war waged by the terrorist and invading TPLF group to destroy the Amhara people and undermine Ethiopia's sovereignty, have committed "human rights abuses" against the Amhara government and people. Neutrality claims to have committed genocide and war crimes; Based on unbalanced and unreliable reports; He has been accused of making false accusations that do not play a role in the treatment of human rights abuses or the prevention of human rights abuses.

The same bodies, based on a report by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International on April 6, 2022, cover war crimes and "genocide" in the Wolkait Tegede Set Humera Zone of Amhara Region. The Amhara National Regional State has noticed that they have released a report.

The report describes Amhara State government officials, members of the Special Forces, militias, and the Fano organization involved in law enforcement and survival campaigns as "looting" and "displacement"; "Rape and Sexual Slavery" "Sexual assault"; "Genocide"; He is accused of "war crimes and serious human rights abuses."

To independent bodies who know the facts on the ground, The benefits of the report to the people of our region and to the entire nation of Ethiopia are threefold.

First, it aims to break the bonds between government officials, members of the security forces, and loyalists who have fulfilled their national duty to seize the voices of our people and secure the sovereignty and existence of their country.

Second, all the human rights violations listed above by the terrorist and invading TPLF group: Ethiopianness and international justice; It is a ploy to discourage human rights activists and democratization stakeholders from undermining their commitment to safeguarding Ethiopia's sovereignty and maintaining unity between the people and the state.

Third, the report was released by the African Union Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHPR). The OHCHR and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) have jointly investigated human rights abuses, undermining their efforts and making it appear to be a covert act of human rights under the guise of human rights.

In particular, in the early months of the TPLF's war, some of the world's most powerful nations and the world were exposed to attempts to disrupt domestic political change, demarcate territorial issues, and intervene in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. The bipartisan bias of international organizations has cast doubt on the credibility, impartiality, and credibility of not only the report but also the institutions that prepared the report.

The headquarter, based in London, England and New York, USA, interviewed 427 victims in person and over the phone in Sudan. Their claim that they can get it is contradictory.

The information we have gathered from refugees in Sudan is also dated October 30, 2013. We believe the Maikadra massacre was carried out by an unofficial organization called 'Samri', which was led by the Tigray Special Forces and militia.

Members of the Tigray Special Forces, the Militia, and the informal organization used by the terrorist TPLF to massacre innocent Amhara people are known to be refugees in Sudanese refugee camps, contrary to international law. On the Sudanese side, it has been training terrorist groups in the refugee camps to launch attacks on civilians, government security forces, and infrastructure in Qwara and Benishangul-Gumuz in the Amhara region. Refugee ID Card

It is also known that they were taken captive by the terrorist TPLF, which brought them to Ethiopia on a mission of destruction.

In addition, the Amhara Regional State, which has been accused of "displacement", has forgotten that many Tigrayans live in business, government, etc. Or he denies it. Today, the regional government is proud of the fact that the people of Tigray, who live in peace and love with their Amhara brothers and sisters, live in our region, believing that "order will come, it will go, it will change, but public relations is permanent and lasting."

The fact is, the allegations in the report are politically motivated. Another unfortunate fact is that the fact that the individuals who used the data source to conduct the study were only part of the community not only underscores the weakness of the data collection process but also results in an unbalanced, biased, and unreliable approach.

As a result, the institutions' one-year study found that instead of playing a positive role in respecting human rights, they complicated matters, undermined efforts to maintain peace and stability, and deprived citizens of direct and indirect opportunities for justice and fairne.

According to a study conducted by the University of Gondar for 16 months, it has found several mass graves in Wolkait Tegede. The university, which has studied several TPLF pitfalls and caves in the area known as "hell", has excavated five of the mass graves identified by local elders and eyewitnesses for experimental exhumation.

Survivors of the study testified that the TPLF suicide bombers took their own lives every day and that many of their bodies were dumped on the nearby Kalema River. For three decades now, genocide has taken place in Ethiopia, where tens of thousands of Amharas have died.

According to the study, there were inmates in the secret detention center who were suffering from disease and hunger, beatings, and digging graves for those killed by TPLF militants. Beyond this study, the TPLF-led genocide of Amhara natives in Makadra, October 30, 2013, which the world knows and condemns. The massacre was carried out by the Tigrayan Special Forces and militias, as well as the Tigrayan Tigrayan Paramilitary Force, modeled on Rwanda's Interahamw, and resulted in the deaths of more than 1,600 Amharas.

Overall, the TPLF-led international crimes in the area over the past 30 years have led to unprecedented genocide against the Amhara people in Wolkait Tegede. The perpetrators of this heinous crime should be brought to justice by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The international community and institutions need to examine the way in which they view the pre- and post-independence situation in these areas, in particular their sources. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have repeatedly stated in their reports that they are politically neutral rather than inhumane. Their political affiliation is seen as a hijacking of human rights, and their affiliation with the Wolkait Tegede faction, which shares the TPLF's political position in a sovereign state and denies the Amhara people 's past abuses, is seen as a failure. What saddens this tragedy is the fact that the US Embassy in Ethiopia shared the report on its official website and turned its finger on the aggrieved Amhara Regional State.

In East African politics, which is characterized by volatile politics, we find that any position that supports the terrorist TPLF, which seeks to destabilize neighboring countries under the guise of "international borders are not restricted", is hampering regional and national peace and stability. We call on the embassy to review the situation in our region and in Ethiopia, especially its sources.

The truth that the international community needs to understand about the people of Amhara is that the people of Amhara have no choice but to live in a spirit of brotherhood, peace and love with the principle of equality with all Ethiopians.

In general, we reject the joint report by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International as a result of these and other misrepresentations by the Amhara National Regional State that are part of the report that are not conducive to peace and human rights in the region.

Amhara National Regional State

April 10, 2022

Bahir Dar-Ethiopia

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