Thursday, September 17, 2020

I would like to express my deepest sympathy to who lost their loved ones in Metekel Zone

 Obang Metho

I would like to express my deepest sympathy to who lost their loved ones in Metekel Zone of the Benshangul Gumez and pray that the wounded will soon recover.

According to the eyewitnesses in the area more than 130 people were killed in Metekel Zone. This is another ethnic cleansing in different region of Ethiopia against the innocent people.

These are egregious crimes, piercing the hearts of many caring Ethiopian people; not only within the Amhara, Agew, Gumez, Shinasha and Oromo communities, but far beyond.

Each incident has an overwhelming component of tribalism gone wrong. How unjust is it to kill, rob and steal from another collective group, dehumanizing them as the other simply because of their ethnicity or the way they look? How wrong is it to commit crimes without any compassion because the other(s) are not part of your own group? How immoral is it to take revenge against some random person, who has done nothing but be of the same ethnicity as the person inflicting harm to some within your own collective group?

Recurring ethnic cleansing and avoidable tragedies result when the worst of tribalism is carried out against the collective other; whether on a small-scale, institutionalized into systems like ethnic federalism or mixed together and exploited. Unfortunately, the consequences of these tragedies are now serious and far-reaching.

To further complicate matters, they must be dealt with in an environment entirely lacking the supports for success. Collective punishment flourishes in environments where there is a failure of justice.

It shows a weak rule of law that is ineffective in ensuring protection for the innocent from collective attacks and hindering those impacted from taking collective revenge. One person can kill another without any consequences.

Ethnic federalism and its policies that capitalize on ethnic differences or other distinctions actually promotes this.

Putting humanity before ethnicity or other differences and caring about the freedom of others— for no one is free until all are free— could have created a different ending for each of the tragic stories affecting Ethiopians that have unfolded for years. These incidents did not have to happen, but in each case, could have been avoided or lessened in severity. Much of the pain, suffering, death and loss of countless people and their loved ones could have been avoided had those involved simply put these principles into practice.

This is the time when reconciliation among the people is of utmost importance to make sure that ethnic cleansing doesn’t happened again.

In closing, I am heartbroken by what has been happening and believe we can find a genuine solution if we are willing to embrace values that support not only our own collective group, but all our people— putting humanity before ethnicity, or any other difference.

Human life is precious and as a society, when these lives are lost, we grieve together regardless of ethnicity, religion, regional background, political view or any other differences.

Until we, Ethiopians are all free, no one will be free and secure. These principles, upheld by individuals, communities, ethnic groups and the rule of law, could have stopped all of these tragedies from occurring.

May Allah/God strengthen the families of those who have lost loved ones as they go through this difficult time.

May Allah/God heal our land from the blood, death and sorrow that has wounded our souls.

May Allah/God make our own hearts fertile soil for healthy growth so we can look at each other as part of our precious Ethiopian family.

Long live this beautiful, ancient land of Ethiopia we call our sweet home.

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