Friday, September 18, 2020

I love this pictures! by Obang Metho

Obang Metho
I love this pictures. These precious human beings and beautiful children I have met throughout Ethiopia remind me of my childhood. I see myself in these adorable Ethiopian children. They're all so beautiful and pure. It's an innocence which at heart, remind me of myself!

It breaks my heart whenever I see our Ethiopian children neglected, abused and ends up homeless and some of them struggle with mental health, substance abuse and experience physical and psychological trauma.

Whenever I hear a sad stories about our children and compared it to my own, I could not be silent because my childhood was the best part of my life.
When I was once a child, I was protected not only by my family, but also by my community.

As a grownup man, I now have that duty to protect other human beings regardless of their ethnicity or religious: especially the children, young adults, women, the vulnerable, the disabled, the forgotten, the marginalized, the discriminated against, the hungry and those in harm’s way.

These amazing Ethiopians in the pictures and millions more throughout Ethiopia are me and I am them. They are my family and my people regardless of their ethnicity, skin colour, language, sex, religion and etc.
As we all know children depend on many adults as they grow up. Parents, relatives, teachers and child care workers all provide children with love, support and guidance.
Our Ethiopian children need to be protected and given the chance to just be children and never ignore the growing risks our children are facing.

Every child throughout Ethiopia deserves a childhood in all its fullness. It is our responsibility as citizens to work together to protect our children. Together, we can protect our children and give them a better future.

That’s why I am appealing to Ethiopian families everywhere and leaders at all levels to do everything in their power to protect our children and our future.
As for me, I will always acted as a protector and watch tower to our children, our women, the disabled, the elderly and the most vulnerable of society until the day I pass on from this unkind world of hatred, extremism, greed and guns.
As for every Ethiopian citizens, we have a responsibility to prepare our children and students for a brighter and prosperous future.

Our children are entitled to a free and quality basic education the children of today are the adult citizens of tomorrow.
Education is a shared responsibility between us all and it will determine success for individuals and for the nations. In other words a good nation is good because of how education has shaped the perspective and understanding of the populace!

We need to give all children an inclusive and quality education. Quality education is the most empowering force in the world. No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated.

An educated citizenry is the best guarantee for a justice, freedom, peace, equality and thriving democracy.
Rethinking the purpose of Ethiopian’s education and reaffirming a humanistic approach to education has never been more urgent than ever before.

Quality education will make us a better citizens NOT ethno-nationalists as it is today under ethnic federalism by teaching our children how to conduct themselves through life. Quality education will also enables the process of the nation's peace, stability and fast development.
Our education system should includes kindnesses, forgiveness, humanity and integrity in our school curricula and textbooks.

A quality education is key to a child's future success and it will help students to become active, knowledgeable citizens of the nation and relationships with students and peers they might never had have the chance to know otherwise !
Indeed quality teaching is essential to give students the foundational literacy and numeracy on which lifelong learning depends. Quality education requires a safe and friendly environment.

It is crucial to ensure that education quality, inclusion and equity. More than ever before in our nation's history, education is not only the ticket to our national unity, peace, economic success, but also to basic survival.

Can we honestly say that we're doing enough to keep our Ethiopian children — all of them — safe from harm?” Absolutely not!

Our precious children are expecting us to do more about their wellbeing and better future! No longer can any of us use the excuse that we did not know! Now, we all know!
May Allah/God change the course we are on and heal this beautiful country we call home.
May Allah/God free Ethiopians from the chains of fear, making them bold and courageous and strengthening their hands to do the great work of peace!
May Allah/God start a moral revolution in our hearts and minds, where we can converge in love in the name of brotherhood, sisterhood and humanity.
Long live Ethiopia!

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