Sunday, June 14, 2015

S/Sudan refugees arrive in Ethiopia at average rate of 102 people-UNHCR

South Sudanese refugees continue to arrive in Gambella state of neighboring Ethiopia at a daily average rate of 102 people with Akobo, Pagak and Pochalla the main crossing points, UN Refugee agency UNHCR Ethiopia office said on Saturday. In a statement the office issued on Saturday, the total number of new arrivals from South Sudan since 15 December 2013 has reached 209,309. 206,174 in Gambella and 3,135 in the Benishangul-Gumuz Regional states of Ethiopia.
“71 percent of the refugees are females and 67 percent are children. This brings the cumulative figure of the South Sudanese refugee population in Ethiopia to 273,591 refugees, including 64,282 refugees that were in country pre-December 2013.� the statement said.
Mr. Bornwell Kantande, the UNHCR Deputy Representative and Mr. Jacob Essen, European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) Field Expert, commended that all the partners for the relocation of refugees from Lietchour to Jewi camp in Ethiopia.
They urged them to give priority to improving water supply, hygiene promotion and sanitation in the new camp to avoid water-borne diseases.
In addition, they requested Administration and Refugees and Returnees Affairs of Ethiopia to urgently follow up with the Regional authorities the authorization for Pugnido II refugee camp which is expected to receive new arrivals.

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