Thursday, March 31, 2022

Wolkait Tegede

Wolkait Tegede is divided into three climates, covering 75% of the lowlands. The rainforest also covers 15% and the highlands 10%.

Wolkait Tegede farming 

The total area of ​​Wolkait Tegede is 1,380,127.84 hectares.

 Wolkait Kabtia woreda covers an area of ​​664, 285, 85 hectares and covers an area of ​​48.13%. Wolkait Adremet Woreda covers an area of ​​381,118.59 hectares and covers 27% of the total land area.

Tegede woreda covers an area of ​​332,3349.66 hectares and covers 23.4% of Wolkait Tegede land. Wolkait Tegede covers 11,373.74 hectares of urban areas, covering 0.84% ​​of the total land area.

Wolkait Tegede has a maximum annual capacity of 900 mm-1800 mm. Humera and its environs have a maximum rainfall of 600 mm - 875 mm. Wolkait Tegede owns large rivers that flow throughout the year. The Tekeze River, which clearly separates Wolkait Tegede from Tigray and is a natural border, is one of the largest rivers in Ethiopia. In addition to Tekeze, there are all-year-old rivers flowing through Ruwassa, Bahre Selam, Zarema, Kaza, Kalema and Mokozo.

Wolkait Tegede owns natural resources and has owned a protected national park since 1998. The national park is located in Wolkait Kabtia Humera. The park is home to 42 species of mammals, 163 species of birds, 9 reptiles, undead species and more than 400 elephants. Recent studies have shown that the period from June to October is moving in different directions to the south.

Wolkayot Tegede land is very suitable for agriculture and various crops are grown in the area. Like sesame seeds, incense exports contribute significantly to the country's economic growth. Other minerals, such as gold, opal, and coal, are abundant in the area.

The wealth of Wolkait Tegede is being used by Tigrayans who have crossed Tekeze rather than the existing population. The Tigray regional government receives most of its budget from Wolkait Tegede, where Wolkait Tegede still lacks infrastructure. This is Wolkait Tegede, a state in the Amhara region that has shed a lot of blood for twenty-seven years since the TPLF came to Wolkait Tegede, displacing the existing population and relocating the region to Tigray.

Wolkait Tegede Rivers 

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