'Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life ,but, by the obstacles which he has overcome.' Booker T. Washington
From this quote, we draw a lesson that one must no be evaluated by the final outcome and the top rung he climbed to on the ladder of success, but by the twists and turns he passed through to emerge with flying colours.
Hope is a ladder for human beings. It serves as a stair to reach to the next intended destination. A person ,who will give up easily and back pedal from his career goal, will not be successful in his undertakings.
It is obvious, we Ethiopians have started the long journey of development locking horns with poverty, our sole enemy. In this journey, the young generation, who makes the largest portion of the population, is the main accelerator of the development's engine. It is clear that this segment of the population, guided and supported by golden polices and strategies, is achieving remarkable victories and scripting a new chapter of history fighting against poverty. However, there is a call for safeguarding gained fruits of the youth supporting them by creating better opportunities, creating mechanisms which needs to be applied on mind transformation, and protecting them from various negative psychological, social and economic influences that make them abandon life's pursuit prematurely.
Painting unrealistic hopes with bright colors few brokers delude the youth to dislocate them. Child labour, child trafficking ,unemployment, inappropriate administration , corruptions and globalization cultures etc have negative impact on the youth. These formidable factors hamper the youth from thinking beyond the horizon. These factors, directly or indirectly, wield negative influence on the youth to despair easily and be victim of low self-esteem.
The best remedy for this is, to develop positive thinking , self-esteem and self-confidence . Although challenges are inevitable, equipping oneself with positive thinking and making advantage of every possible opportunity for good is vital for change. It is advisable and essential also to provide the youth with necessary resources such as, finance, employment opportunities, quality education etc. besides empowering with basic life skill trainings and mind transformation activities.
It has to be underlined that change is a process not an overnight phenomenon, there is a need to allude to the quote, "Rome was not built in one day!"
Great innovations and peaks of civilizations, we look today in every aspect in the world, are the results of great visions. They are inheritances, which reach us passing through various challenges. They are the creations of those innovators who didn't yield to despair. Such creative geniuses were thinking beyond the horizons regardless of the challenges they faced.
The present generation should learn a lot from its predecessor generation ;persistence and endurance. Always there is hope for change for those who dream and think beyond the horizon. With God, all is possible !Let us dream beyond the horizon.
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