Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ethiopia: "Anybody Ready for a Better Change in Livelihood Can Be Successful in Ethiopia At the Moment" - Enterprise Mobilizers At Sodo

Wolaiyta Sodo, one of the zones in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples State, is getting growing in many respects over the last two decades. Many believe that different intellectuals and businessmen are flourishing in both quality and quantity in the area.
Last weekend, two staffs of the Ethiopian Press Agency have been in the area to see the development activities of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises (MSEs) and different associations formed by young citizens of the area. All those engaging on MSEs that we had conducted an interview with during our stay told us that anybody who is ready to change life for a better and engage in business could easily be successful in the zone.
Bereket Bekele is a young man and energetic mobilizer and chair of an enterprise named Tigat Aluminum and Metal Manufacturing sector. He recalled that he joined the enterprise before 5 years after leaving his working being hired in small income generating activities.
His enterprise has won an award recently for the contribution it made to developing the region in particular and the country in general. "We started business just for the sake of bread at that time,"he recalls.
The enterprise that was conceived with three members at that time has now created some 30 permanent and numerous temporary jobs at its different branches in the town. And the enterprise has now finalized preparation to building a working site.
Now their investment has reached over 3.5 million capital in addition to the machinery and the buildings that they have set up starting their business from 40,000 Birr loan from the government.
Now the enterprise has been transformed to middle level industry and is receiving investment license from the government. Bereket added, "All those working with us are building hopes and trying to form their own business. And all this was possible through the unreserved support of the government in facilitating market chains and creating conducive environment. Now we are exporting products to the surrounding area."
Bereket underlined the government has done its best for us up to now but now we want to manage things by ourselves as we have built capacity to succeed to the next transformation stage. "Working in groups was the best tool to succeed and that was what has facilitated our success to the level that we don't even expected before", he added.
Chernet Mesfin is a permanent employee at Tigat Aluminum and Metal Manufacturing Enterprise who have benefited from the prevailing opportunity. He is working now as the General Metal Fabrication and Aluminum Assembly work. He has graduated from Sodo Technical and Vocational Institute in a level three education programme. He witnessed that the enterprise is working well towards getting better profit and has created jobs for many including him.
Chernet explained that it has been just a year since he started working in the enterprise and after improving his skills, he has an immediate plan to start his own business with his friends. He said that the working environment and the government support are encouraging in starting up with a new business.
Abdi Sherif, the chairperson and co-founder of Jeber Wood and Metal Works Enterprise, remembers that they have established the enterprise before 5 years with a capital of 300 Birr. But now the enterprise has started exporting its products in East African countries with in few years. Now their capital is over 3 million Birr.
According to Abdi, the only thing demanded at this moment is just a hard work as things are conducive for work in many aspects. "The present system is attractive and the policies are workable at the moment and any one can improve like us, as we have started from nothing. Now we have managed to creating jobs for over 28 permanent and other temporary employees"
Abdi suggested that the government needs to give focus and working towards fully fulfilling better infrastructures such as electricity as it sometimes breaks and results in losses.
Micro and Small Scale Enterprises are institutions given recognition in the country's industry development in Ethiopia as they could potentially serves as a vehicle for creating employment opportunities to underpin the economic development. Understanding their strategical value and giving due attention for the development of MSEs should not be the end rather it is just the beginning.
MSEs plays decisive role in solving unemployment only if conducive environments are well created for national and foreign investors to contribute their share in the building up of the ongoing development processes of the country. The Federal Government of Ethiopia is thus giving prime attention to MSE's development in the industry and urban development sector. It also gives better attention to realize human resource and technology development, the TVET institutions will take the task of industry extension service in ownership right based on the direction of industry development strategy. The sector will be developed by integrating all sectors including agriculture, medium and higher industries together. Many suggest that sectoral, university, technical and vocational institutions integration through modern technologies and scientific research with MSEs are things that need to be given a better attention in the time ahead.
Finally, I would like to concluded my point on that the growing enterprise that are flourishing in Ethiopia at the moment are becoming the major focus areas of the government of Ethiopia. And many citizens are witnessing and securing the benefit in different areas on that regard. Those young model mobilizers and beneficiaries of the enterprises at Woliyta Sodo are the living witnesses who commonly speak of the fact that any body who is keen and ready for change and success in business can manage to achieving better results through hard work and strong commitment.

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