Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Ever-Growing Capacity of Security Forces and Active Participation of the Public Has Lessened the Threat of Terrorism - Commander Moges Chekol


Last week on Thursday, Ethiopian Press reporters held an exclusive interview with Commander Moges Chekol, Deputy Director of Operation Directorate of the Federal Police concerning about issues that chronicled Ethiopia's fight against terrorism and related topics. Here under follows the first part of the interview. Excerpt:

Terrorism is not only a domestic threat but also a global one; what are its national, regional and global features?
Commander Moges: Terrorism currently is a very concerning global agenda. It's an act that has been carried out at any country or place without the shackles of border. Terrorism has many causes; religious fanaticism and extremism being the major culprit. As I have already said, it can be said that it's an act that's carried out here and there all over the world, not bounded by borders. And it's growing from time to time both in terms of variety and execution.

Although various understanding is associated to the term as per the realities of each country, but as a common denominator, one feature of terrorism that has agreeing everybody is that it involves a certain group imposing a certain political or religious thinking on others forcefully. Its second feature is that it targets innocent civilians regardless of age, gender or race.

Also, most agree that instead of zooming its clash with the government police or military installation, terrorism directs its attack against innocent defenseless civilians with the aim of imposing its will on others. Growing in stature, terrorism has currently reached a level where it is able to amass and mobilize large capital for operation and organize large militant groups. As a result, we are at a time where terrorism poses colossal threat and problem upon the world.

What are the main causes of terrorism here, and how do you counter them?
Commander Moges: Terrorism has many origination pools; one is related to religion - religion extremism or fundamentalism. This brand of extremism aims at forcefully imposing one religion over others. These religious extremists or fundamentalists believe that there should only be one religion in the whole world. And this is not a feasible or lawful proposition.

We all have equal rights. Our constitution not only bestows the right to believe in any religion but also the right to not believe in any religion. Still, here, such types of religious extremist leanings are seen in some Muslim and Christians.

So, what we do to combat this is to raise the awareness of public, so that they become fully aware that extremism doesn't bring any benefits except for posing a threat on the country's stability and bringing an unholy mess upon us.

Terrorism can also manifest itself within political extremism as well. Here also, there might be tendency to forcefully impose one's own political agenda on others. And they do this not by fighting the government's security establishment but like I said earlier by targeting innocent civilians regardless of time or place. For instance our own House of Peoples' Representatives proscribed three outlaw political organizations named 'Ginbot 7', OLF and ONLF as terrorist groups.

One way of fighting them is to alienating them from the people by raising the awareness of the public. And since poverty is the main problem that aggravating our vulnerability, the fight against poverty should also be intensified.

Despite being vulnerable to terrorism, Ethiopia has been successful in recent times in averting the threats of terrorist attacks while neighbouring countries failed to do so. What is your comment on that?

Commander Moges: Talking about the subject of vulnerability to terrorism, we can see that Ethiopia is vulnerable to the threat. More than a mere threat, the country was a victim of terror attacks at various times.
Many innocent people lost their lives; properties were destroyed and body mutilated. We can raise many instances. The attacks carried out at Ghion, Wabi Shebelle, Tigrai hotels, or the one near Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There were also attacks outside of Addis Ababa in Jigjiga, Diredawa, Humera.
According to our line of thinking, it was Ethiopia who was on the forefront in standing against terrorism way before the whole world started to flex its muscle on the issue.

Starting from driving out the terror group that was stationed at the then stateless Somalia, it can be said that Ethiopia was at the forefront in officially calling for a global fight against terrorism, citing that it's a threat to the world.

Especially, after the 9/11 attacks, the issue have reached critical level and now has turned into a worldwide issue. And the vulnerability to terrorism is there for Ethiopia.

In order to fend off this threat, the government has taken various steps. The first act towards it was setting up a joint anti-terrorism taskforce comprised of Federal Police, National Intelligence and Security Service and other concerned security institutions.

By following and investigating the activities of terrorists, studying the trend and the various manner of their execution, the taskforce have discharged various proactive actions to deter terrorism.
In addition to this, the collaboration of the public with our security forces has hugely helped in the fight against terrorism. Being well aware now about the issue and the threat it poses, public participation is very high. I am not just saying this as there have been many instances to back this.

They come forward and give tips, which are taken up and investigated by our security forces; and this collaboration has helped in lessening the danger of terrorism. Basically, the strengthening of the security forces and the collaborative manner of the public has lessened the threat of terrorism, though the threat is still there.

We are convinced that if the terrorists had their way, Ethiopia is their main aim because; Ethiopia is in the forefront of the fight against terrorism even more so than Kenya.
However, an ever-strengthening security apparatus working with the public as hand and glove has deterred these kinds of attacks to not be carried out here at all; or at least not in their original plan. Case in point; the foiled attack that was planned to go ahead at Addis Ababa Stadium during a world cup qualifier match between Ethiopia and Nigeria last year.
As its known Ethiopia has an anti-terror law. Has the law been helpful and supportive in the fight?
Commander Moges: By the way, UN Security Council resolution forces member states to ratify anti-terror laws in their respective jurisdiction.

Ethiopia though, not forced by this resolution, has ratified its own anti-terror law through the House of Peoples' Representatives, the highest legislative body in the land, after it went all the proper legal channel.
The law has huge benefits. First it enables our security forces do their job in full confidence, while at the same time giving the incentive to terrorist to think real hard before getting involved in terror acts in the land. And secondly, not only the law gives confidence to our forces, but it ensures and enforces accountability and transparency as the law stipulates what can and cannot be done. It is prepared in a way that reflects accountability side by side to the power it gives.

It should be known that not only is terrorism a heinous and inhumane act, but its carried out these days in such a shrewd and sophisticated manner that the issue shouldn't be given time or leisure. Considering this, it can be said that the law helps security forces do their job optimal, while creating the platform that enables to deter terrorism.

And current trend shows that those countries that don't have the law are in the works to ratify them, while those who already have are revising them.

I have to say that ours is by far better than other anti-terror laws, as we only take action after having enough evidence, unlike other countries who enter into action with a mere suspicion. And this way of doing business may trip red flags on handling of individual human and democratic rights. But coming to our case, we have the more balanced version with huge benefits to trickle down.

Source: AllAfrica

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