Saturday, June 13, 2015

Ethiopia’s contribution to UNFCCC praised

International aid agency Oxfam praised Ethiopia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), saying that it sets far-reaching short-term and long-term goals on adaptation and reducing emissions.
Oxfam’s international climate adviser Tim Gore said Ethiopia’s emission reduction target of at least 64 percent by 2030 underpinned the country’s strategy, which counted on the active participation of all citizens in achieving the planned goals, in particular farmers and pastoralists.
He further said that Ethiopia’s INDC also aimed to integrate actions that improved the status of women and the welfare of children.
"Ethiopia's strategy to build a climate resilient green economy is showing the way to rich countries, from Australia to Japan, which have yet to announce their final countries commitments ahead of the critical climate summit in Paris in December,” said Gore in a statement on Wednesday.
To deliver this plan, he said, international climate finance would be essential.
“This shows why it is imperative that rich countries deliver on their existing commitments on climate finance, including to the Green Climate Fund, and prepare to make new ones in Paris for the post-2020 period," Gore said.
Ethiopia aims to limit its net greenhouse-gas emissions to 145 Mt CO2e or lower by 2030. This would constitute a 255 MtCO2e reduction from the business-as-usual (BAU) emissions in 2030 or 64 percent by 2030 from the BAU scenario. The country’s emission reduction target comprises actions in all major emitting sectors, including agriculture, forestry, energy and transportation. (ebf)

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