Friday, June 19, 2015

Denholme woman heading to Ethiopia

A DENHOLME woman is visiting Ethiopia as part of a mission to improve the country’s water infrastructure.
Anna Warrington will travel to Africa this weekend with two colleagues from Yorkshire Water.
They aim to help bring clean water to 130,000 people and improve sanitation and hygiene education.
The nine-day trip is part of a joint project between Yorkshire Water and WaterAid.
Anna, a water quality scientist, will share technical advice with Ethiopia’s Bishoftu water company.
They will examine best practises to avoid contamination and how to dose chlorine into the system to help prevent bacteria from entering the water supply.
With 67 million people living without sanitation and 33,000 children under the age of five dying from diarrhoea every year, Ethiopia's water supply and sanitary system is amongst the worst in the world.
Anna, 30, said: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to share my wide knowledge of water quality to make a real difference to people's lives in Ethiopia.
"We take for granted easy and unlimited access to clean water and toilets, but most people in Ethiopia do not have these provisions, which sadly results in widespread illness and death.
"By providing skills training to Bishoftu water company workers, I hope to be able to help bridge the skills gap and improve the country's water provision and infrastructure."
Christine Mellor, water industry partnerships manager, said: "This is a new way of working for WaterAid and its partners to link up and share skills.
"Both here in the UK and in Ethiopia, water company professionals will ultimately improve lives for their customers.
"This is a golden opportunity to help people in Ethiopia be healthier and safer. Plus, whilst Anna's there sharing her knowledge, it will be Women in Engineering Day – what a great asset to the female engineering community."
Bradford-based Yorkshire Water was one of the founding members of WaterAid, which was set up 34 years ago.
Over the next five years, the company aims to raise £1m as part of its Big Wish for Ethiopia project, to help deliver clean water and toilets for the poorest communities in Ethiopia.
Most of Ethiopia’s water is sourced direct from boreholes via village standpipes, with limited water treatment before it is consumed.
Anna, who is currently studying for an environmental sciences degree, will be writing a daily blog about her visit.

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