Saturday, January 17, 2015

Happy Ethiopian Epiphan: Melkam Ye Timket Bale

Ethiopian Epiphany (Timket)
Timkat (Amharic "baptism") is one of the greatest National festivals in Ethiopian specially the Ethiopian Orthodoxcelebration. This greatest festival of the year falling on January 19  (or 20 on Leap Year), corresponding to the 10th day of Terr following the Ethiopian calendar. Timket celebrates to commemorate the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. This festival is best known for its ritual reenactment of baptism (similar to such reenactments performed by numerous Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land when they visit the Jordan.)
During the ceremonies of Timkat, the Tabot, a model of the Ark of the Covenant, which is present on every Ethiopian altar (somewhat like the Western altar stone), is reverently wrapped in rich cloth and born in procession on the head of the priest. The Tabot, which is otherwise rarely seen by the laity, represents the manifestation of Jesus as the Messiah when he came to the Jordan for baptism. The Divine Liturgy is celebrated near a stream or pool early in the morning (around 1a.m.). Then the nearby body of water is blessed towards dawn and sprinkled on the participants, some of whom enter the water and immerse themselves, symbolically renewing their baptismal vows.   On the holiday day of Timket, Tella and Tej are brewed, special bread is baked called "Himbash"  (in Tigrigna) "Ambasha" (in Amharic), and sheep are slaughtered to mark the three-day celebration.  Since October and the end of the rains, the country has been drying up steadily. The sun blazes down from clear blue sky and the festival of  Timket   always takes place in glorious weather.Arcs from different churches gathering for the celebrationGonder Fasildes Epiphany celebration
By noon on Timqat Day a large crowd has assembled at the ritual site, those who went home for a little sleep ,Meal  and drinks having returned, and the holy ark is escorted back to its church in colorful procession. The clergy, bearing robes and umbrellas of many hues, perform rollicking dances and songs; the elders march solemnly with their weapons, attended by middle-ages men singing a long-drawn, low-pitched haaa hooo; and the children run about with sticks and games. Dressed up in their finest, the women chatter excitedly on their one real day of freedom in the year. The young braves leap up and down in spirited dances, tirelessly repeating rhythmic songs. When the Holy Ark has been safely restored to its dwelling-place, everyone goes home for feasting.
  The best place to participate on Timket

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