Monday, October 6, 2014

What Does President Obama“Know”About Ethiopia’s “Election”?

What Does President Obama“Know”About Ethiopia’s “Election”?

The Prime Minister [Hailemariam Desalegn] and the government is going to be organizing elections in Ethiopia this year.

I know something about that… And so we’ll have an opportunity to talk about civil society and governance and how we can make sure that Ethiopia’s progress and example can extend to civil society as well…” (Let me state at the outset that I am addressing my commentary here in relevant parts personally to President Obama because he voluntarily injected himself in Ethiopia’s electoral politics by specifically commenting that he “knows something about” it.

In light of his extraordinary declaration, I want to hold him accountable by demanding to know what he publicly declared he “knows about that” election. I also want to share with him the “something” I “know” about elections in that country.) I was intrigued, confused and galled by the President’s curious choice of words. Did he mean he “knows something” in the sense that intelligence agencies “know something”? Could he have meant he “knows something” funny (monkey business) about elections in Ethiopia?

I really want to know what President Obama “knows” about the 2015 “election” because the way he said it, it sounded like he was trying to make a “lie sound truthful”, as George Orwell might have said. Aren’t we all on pins and needles trying to find out the “something” he “knows”?
Read the full text from somalilandpress

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