Friday, January 16, 2015

Election 2015 will be peaceful, free, fair, and democratic and exemplary to Africa

By Yohannes Gebresellasie (Ph.d) Addis Ababa

In any nation where democratic process is the norm, it is normal for different political parties to contest for political power. Within that process, Political power is held only through peaceful and democratic ways and means and not through anarchy or violence.

Countries such as Canada, India, Britain, etc. are well known for advancing issues such as democracy, good governance and the rule of law; and their population benefits as a result of those democratic values and norms. In countries such as those mentioned where democracy, good governance, and adherence for the rule of law is the norm, political power is contested through peaceful and democratic ways and means. In countries such as those mentioned where democracy, good governance, and respect for the rule of law is the norm, political power is contested only through peaceful and democratic means. Destructive illegal and violent activities thus give their unpleasant time to legal and constitutional activities. As a result, people become more and more sophisticated and adopt peaceful and democratic means to solve any problems they might be confronted with. Dialogue and tolerance thus become the order of the day. Peaceful and democratic means help people to get closer and closer every day and as a result, our world becomes a global community of a civilized world.

Political parties in those democratic nations have the tendency of conducting excruciating and rigorous debates during elections. However, all that process is guided by the constitution of the land, by guidelines of the electoral board and by strictly following the law of the land. Further, those grueling campaigns and debates are conducted peacefully and in a civilized manner because, all contesting parties realize that everything is done to advance democracy, the rule of law and mainly to benefit the society at large. At the end of the day, when ballots are counted and a party is declared a winner, all contesting parties congratulate each other and all parties take their respective seats for a common goal to start the business of the nation and serve the public at large.  Therefore, a lesson or two can be drawn from such a civilized political culture where democracy, good governance and the rule of law have evolved and have been functional for many years and where these values are strictly adhered and respected by the public at large.

Four elections in Ethiopia have among other things demonstrated that the Ethiopian people despite the fact that they were deprived of all those democratic values and norms for many years, they have shown their dedication and commitment to advance the above mentioned civilized values and norms. The forth national election showed the whole world that despite their limited experience in those civilized norms and values, Ethiopians came out in millions, waited long hours and peacefully voted for the parties they choose. Further, Ethiopians in an unpredicted number and from every corner of the nation showed the whole world that they too can exercise their democratic rights and can peacefully and democratically cast their votes just like those democratically advanced nations.

The whole world witnessed this unpredicted experience and what an experience it was!  Commended by many international observers including the renowned Carter Center, Ethiopia for the fourth time exercised democratic values and norms and with that the rule of law took precedence to anti democratic and uncivilized exercises. It also showed that Ethiopia after many years of autocratic and dictatorial regimes is highly determined not to turn back but to be on the right track of democracy, good governance and sustainable development. Last election further demonstrated that the Ethiopian people are determined and committed to carry on with those fundamental democratic values and maintain the civilized culture of mutual coexistence. They have clearly demonstrated that there is no turning back or giving up to obsolete and backward mentality. They have given a clear message in that regard to those who aspire to bring back their detrimental and destructive beliefs. The election further demonstrated that political power is achieved not through confusion, economic sabotage or any other illegal and unconstitutional means but through legal, democratic, free and fair ways and means.

Our era of 21st century, invites us to think of the past and to plan a future, a future which gives us security to live in peace and happiness. A future which guarantees education to all, a future which eliminates poverty and all weapons of destruction, a future which provides peace, tolerance and sustainable development and a future that allows unity in diversity. Only a national strategy based on the culture of peace with its new values orientations, mentalities and forms of behavior can provide answers to our national challenges. In order to achieve our goals i.e. poverty reduction, democratization and good governance coupled with sustainable development, Ethiopians in general and political parties in particular must learn to appreciate peace and tolerance and respect the rule of law.

Free, fair and unbiased press plays an important role in a national elections. It is without any doubt instrumental in advancing and promoting public opinion, justice and democratic process in a country. Further, free press can play extremely important role in providing free, informed and alternatives choices. Therefore, free press is vital if not indispensable for enhancing democratic process of any nation and more so in developing nations like Ethiopia. Democracy cannot be built without free press; it cannot be maintained and sustained without free press. Democratic election therefore requires a free, unbiased, balanced, transparent press. However, democracy is not in any way an instant solution to all problems particularly in Africa because much of the intransigent and intractable economic problems have yet to be overcome. Therefore, Journalists need to inform the people and interpret the economic challenges that go with the process of democratization. Free press must therefore play an important role in building consciousness among people about their systems of government, their rights and freedom, democratic transformation and economic development activities.  Free press should therefore provide a forum for collective discussion and should be able to weigh the various options in order to arrive at cautious decisions. Further, free press has to play its share in advancing those and other issues of public importance in a positive, transparent and balanced manner. The advantage of free press among others is to put itself at the service of democracy and has the responsibility to perform as a watchdog for democracy, good governance and the rule of law. If it fails to do so the democratization process will slow down.

With a general election looming, the people of this country are preparing to exercise their fundamental citizenship and democratic rights by casting their votes for the party or a candidate of their choice for the fifth time. Over sixty different political parties have as a result signed a code of conduct in order to have a peaceful, free, fair and democratic election. The National Electoral Commission has worked very hard in organizing, preparing and giving electoral guidelines to different political parties, independent candidates and to the public at large in order to conduct a civilized and world class electoral proceeding during the upcoming fifth national election. Things are coming up quite well vis-à-vis the National Electoral Board thus far and the Electoral Board has now finalized its preparations and all indications show that the upcoming fifth national election will be peaceful, free, fair and democratic.
Our ancestors kept our nation free from colonial aggression and among others, that is their gift; however, this new generation has to do its part to change this nation to prosperity using modern scientific and technological devises. It is the responsibility of this generation to fight against poverty and backwardness: the number one enemies of this nation. Those who reside in hazardous climatic conditions fought poverty, backwardness etc. through hard work and perseverance even under perilous climatic conditions. This generation lives in a country endowed with one of the best weather conditions on earth. What is needed is simply to take advantage of such a beautiful weather, work hard and long, sleep less and transform this country and put it amongst the most prosperous nations on earth. The main agenda, main homework and main responsibility of this generation must therefore be fighting poverty and backwardness and pass a prosperous nation to the next generation. All that will be realized if the different political parties in our country, individual candidates and the public at large fulfill their citizenship and democratic right in a manner ethical and responsible while conducting a peaceful, free, fair and democratic upcoming fifth national election. Further, the public at large must give a deaf ear to those who would like to disrupt and disturb our nation’s economic and political progress and focus on the real value and the real price and that real value and price is peace, stability and socio-economic and political progress of our nation.

Generally, violence or any other illegal activities are issues of the past and with no fruits to bear. Therefore, violence cannot and will not be the answer. Legal, constitutional and civilized dialogue is. Using civilized, peaceful and modern means, the Ethiopian people will make the Fifth National Election free, fair and democratic. It will be an exemplary to many African nations

Source: Waltainfo

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